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FA’AALIGA FA’ALAUA’ITELE Mai le Afioga a Fiamē Naomi Mataafa

APIA, SAMOA – ASO LUA 20 OKETOPA 2020: O le asō, na ou o’o atu ai fa’atasi ma sui o lo’u Itumalo o Lotofaga, e lesitalaina lo’u igoa o se sui tauvā mo le faiga palota tele o le 2021.

Ua ou lesitala o se sui tauvā Tuto’atasi i le mafua’aga ina ia puipuia le nofoa o le Itumalo ma ia fa’aauau ai pea ona iai le leo o le Itumalo i le Palemene se’ia fa’aiu le nofoaiga lenei ia Ianuari 2021.

E maualuga foi se lagona e fai se sao i le taimi e talanoaina ai Tulafono Tau Fa’aofi e 3 lea na mafua ai ona ou fa’amavae mai le Kapeneta, ona o a’afiaga ogaoga i lo tatou atunu’u pe afai ae pasia.

Ua mae’a foi ona o’u fa’ailo i lo’u Itumalo, e telē lo’u amana’ia o le Vaega Fa’aupufai a le Fa’atuatua i le Atua Samoa ua Tasi – FAST. Ae ona o tulafono, e ao ai pea ona talia seia fa’ata’ape le Palemene.

Ae ia tatou nofo tatalo, ma fa’anōnō manū i le Atua, ia sao ma uli le fa’amoemoe o le tatou atunu’u i lana faiga filifiliga o loma nei, aua se Malo fou mo lo tatou atunu’u.

PRESS STATEMENT FROM Hon. Fiamē Naomi Mata’afa

Following a number of enquiries from the media today, Honourable Fiamē Naomi Mata’afa issued the following statement:

APIA, 20 OCTOBER 2020: Today, with the support of the chiefs and orators of my village and constituency of Lotofaga, I registered as an Independent candidate for the 2021 general elections.

I decided to register as an Independent for the major reason to protect my constituency seat and for me to continue to serve as my constituency’s voice in Parliament until the end of the Parliamentary term.

Last month, I resigned from Cabinet as I could not support the 3 Bills currently processing through Parliament as it is my view that they will destabilize our country’s justice system, undermine the rule of law and these legislations will have serious consequences for us all.

It is my wish to make a meaningful contribution when the 3 Bills are debated in Parliament for the final third readings and until Parliament is dissolved in January 2021.

I have also informed my constituency that I do endorse the Fa’atuatua ile Atua Samoa ua Tasi - FAST Party and what it stands for. My constituency has expressed its support for my position. However, I am mindful of the law and will remain an Independent MP until Parliament is dissolved in January 2021.

It is my prayer that our country remains protected in the hands of our Lord as we head into our national elections to elect a new government.

Soifua ma Ia Manuia!

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