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Fa'atuatua i le atua samoa ua tasi


Ia avea Samoa o se atunu’u e tutusa avanoa mo ona tagatanu’u ina ia si’itia ai le tamāoaiga, e fa’avae i luga o tu ma aganu’u mamalu a Samoa ma talitonuga faa-Kersisiano; tutusa avanoa i aoaoga lelei; le soifua maloloina lelei ina ia soifua fiafia, saogalemū ma sa’oloto tagata uma.


  1. a Ia filiflia ni Sui Faipule, o ni Ali’i ma ni Tamaita’i i le Palemene e ala i faiga palota sa’oloto e fa’avae i luga o faiga malo fa’a temokalasi ina ia ausia ai le Anavatau e ala i sui Faipule ua filifilia e tagata Iautele;

  2. Ia tofia ni Ali’i ma ni Tamaita’i i tofiga iloga o le Malo e mautinoa ai le maualuga o le tautua fa’aauau mo tagata Samoa uma;

  3. Ia puipuia sa’olotoga, le saogalemū ma le soifua lautele o tagata uma, fa’apea tu ma aganu’u a Samoa;Ia fa’atuputupuina le tamāoaiga e fa’aaogaina ma fa’asoa i ai tomai ma agava’a o tagatanu’u Samoa;

  4. Ia fa’amalosia faiga ma pulega malo lelei i totonu o le Malo, le Fa’amasinoga ma le Palemene o Samoa;

  5. Ia tapēina faiga fa’a-ālatua i totonu o le Malo, le Fa’amasinoga ma le Palemene.




Ua talia ma aloa’ia e le Vaega Fa’aupufai ia Aga Taualoa nei:

a) O le Pule, e mai tagatanu’u uma o Samoa e ala i pulega malo fa’a-temokalasi ma faiga palota sa’oloto;

e) O meatotino uma i lalo o le pulega a le Malo o mea totino a tagatanu’u uma o Samoa, ma e ao ona pulea lelei ma fa’asoa mo le manuia         lautele e aofia ai ma tupulaga o le lumana’i;

i)  E ao ona fa’aaloalogia tagatanu’u uma o Samoa, o latou talitonuga fa’a-Kerisiano ma a latou tu ma aganu’u;

o) E ao ona puipuia tagatanu’u uma o Samoa ma a latou aiā tatau i lalo o le Fa’avae o le Malō Tuto’atasi o Samoa;

u) O lalā uma o le Malo e ao ona galulue ma le malamalama’aga e tatau ona fa’amanino a latou gaoioiga fai i tagata o Samoa.


Fa'atuatua i le atua samoa ua tasi

political party


FAST wants to make Samoa a place where every Samoan citizen has equal opportunities in economic growth, have strong public services to support every Samoan citizen, Samoan culture and customs are recognised and valued, quality education is accessible to every Samoan citizen, public confidence in Samoan healthcare, and every Samoan enjoys a free, peaceful and safe country.


  1. To elect competent men and women to Parliament through Samoan culturally acceptable democratic elections to give effect to the Vision of the party and to represent the people effectively in Parliament;

  2. To place competent men and women in key Government positions to ensure strong public services to support every Samoan Citizen;

  3. To promote and protect the freedoms, welfare and security of all Samoan  Citizens, including the Samoan culture and customs;

  4. To build and sustain an economy which can attract and retain intelligence, skills and efforts of all Samoan citizens;

  5. To actively practice and promote principles of accountability within Government, Judiciary and Parliament to the people of Samoa; and

  6. To stamp out any acceptable practice of corruption in Government, Judiciary and Parliament.


The Party accepts the following democratic principles:

  1. All political authority come from the people of Samoa by democratic means, including regular and free elections;

  2. All assets and resources under the Government control or authority belongs to the people of Samoa, and should be managed  for the benefit of all, including future generations;

  3. All Samoan citizens are entitled to dignity, self-respect and free practice of their customs and culture;

  4. All Samoan citizens are entitled to the protection of their human rights recognised in the Constitution of Samoa, and

  5. All branches of Government must always act with the understanding that they must account any actions to the people of Samoa.

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